Alcohol abuse is one of the most complex problems of contemporary society. Alcohol and its effects on the body are a matter of scientists with different specialities, who are trying to establish the causes of the rapid increase in the incidence of the path of the excretion of the people of the state, as well as the risk factors for the development of a propensity to regulate addictive than alcohol.

First, alcohol-related changes in the internal organs, they are not characterized by a sharp violation of their functionality. But, over time, under the influence of alcohol, per person, is increased, the resulting sharp disorders and in the activity of vital systems of the body, and the breaking of the chain of the complex mechanisms of their changes in neuro-humoral regulation.
The characteristics of the mechanism of action of
How alcohol acts in the body? Once in the stomach of a man, and the alcohol is practically the speed of light to be absorbed into the current of the blood. Many people do not know it, but the alcohol is starting to break down, we are still in the oral cavity, so your blood is full of alcohol, already in the first minutes of its contact with the body. From that moment on, it starts for a detrimental effect of alcohol on the body. About 20% of the alcohol in a clean the enzyme, liver alcohol dehydrogenase, purification, containing alcohol, toxins, chemicals.
The majority of the alcohol continues to work on the small intestine. It is from the businesses here, and the alcohol penetrates all of the aquatic realm of the body, in order to, which is partially displayed along with the sweat, urine, saliva, and the like, and is, in part, to oxidize, and in a few days, it accumulated in the majority of the body. During this period of time, the alcohol acts as a few have risen slowly poisoning every cell in the body and affects human development, and the state of his mind, and the functionality of the internal structures.
The impact of alcohol on the system, and the organs of the
The ill-effects of alcohol on the human body, it is not expressed only in the breach-of-function of the brain and the liver. Alcohol abuse has a negative impact on all the organs and systems of the human body. In short, the regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, it is completely breaks down the normal functioning of the body of the patient, and will most likely affect your complete life, and they are one of the leading causes of death among people in the healthy old.
The effect on the human psyche
Each and every one of us is known, how alcohol affects the human brain. Strongly of people who drink a lot may experience hallucinations, overwhelming feelings of anxiety, apathy, a long-term depression. On the grown, completely lost self. These people have become anti-social, a little bit of attention to their appearance, they will not be concerned with daily human problems, worries about family, and so on.

The effects of alcohol on the human body
Each and every stage of a dependency has a certain symptoms and characteristics are different. All of its outstanding 4.
The initial phase is typically a gradual increase in the consumption of a dose of alcohol, and the formation of the subject, and under the influence of alcohol on a psychological level.
In the second stage, there appears a wish to increase the amount of alcohol. Dependence develops, on the physical level.
In the third one - the destruction of the physical and emotional level, to the formation of dementia.
In the fourth stage, there is no cure and eventually leads to the death of the patient. The failure of the operation of the systems of the body, and death.
25 the reasons for the abandonment of the use of alcohol
Lots of people don't see anything wrong with the fact that the use of alcohol in the evenings, at weekends or on public holidays. But very few people have a sense of proportion and a power of will. And, to be harmless, at first glance, the habit of authority in the church. This article gives you 25 reasons to abandon the use of alcohol, generally considered to be harmful than alcohol, and its effects on the human body.
- Alcohol is the cause of many diseases, and dirty tricks, lack of discipline, in the ruins of the talent, without a sense of conflict and poverty.
- It is difficult to find a more poorly than alcohol, and that it would have to be a hard, relentless, frustrated with the health care of millions of people, and in a manner so dramatic it would be destroyed in all the tissues and organs of the human body (especially the brain cortex), to the mind and personality of a person, leading him eventually to a premature death. To guarantee that any of it is that the serious consequences of the dangers of alcohol and did not come immediately, gradually, imperceptibly.
- The impact of alcohol in the person's life they say it is 50 per cent of road accidents, 1/3 of the risk of suicide, with 80 per cent of the deaths from cancer of the mouth and esophagus due to alcohol abuse.
- The result of a survey carried out by utilizing the latest technology, the australian scientists have found that among alcoholics, and between the moderate use occurs, fade-out and the drying out of the brain. A glass of liquor, and ruin our brains 1000-2000 cells. These data were confirmed in 95% of alcoholics and 85% of moderate use.
- Previous studies have shown that the probability of giving birth to an otherwise healthy person, the drinkers and 15 times less than that of the teetotal, the rate of death in her it's for the children, a 5-fold greater, and the pain is up to 3.5 times (but keep in mind that this is only a consumer and not of the spirit). Alcohol affects the child before birth. At home, drinkers, moderate alcohol, children are born with developmental disabilities, the mentally under-developed, even the dead. Because of to the alcohol addiction beverages, drugs, and women in America each and every day, creating thousands of premature babies. The drinkers of the parents, the most dreadful robbers, stealing from their it is for the children, for the happiness of all the future discoveries and the joy of living a life of service (to F. G. Uglovo).
- The experiments carried out on chicken eggs, shown in the following: 160 the eggs set in the incubator in the shed, in the basement, cooked by alcohol. The alcohol, acting on the egg. When it came time, it ended up with the following results: chicks were born only in the middle of a 40 — non-viable, a 25-x — men (with no beak, no claws, and t. p.).
- If you have the genetic makeup of a person, the risk of facing an entire generation. In our time, it is a violation of the genetic code of 96% is due to a variety of drugs (such as alcohol, tobacco, and other substances are narcotics).
- Alcohol as a drug, is it harmful at all to the kinds and in any of the dose to the human body, because it acts like morphine, or marijuana, or whatever, you create the illusion of the good and of happiness, bringing it to irreparable damage, such as any of the other three.
- According to the world health organization (World Health Organization), one out of every three on earth, the bird dies from causes related to drinking alcohol, one in five of the root causes that are related to tobacco use. So, for these causes in Russia, we have lost almost one and a half million people per year, which is about 20 times larger than the number of victims of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
- The dry Law, and a more than 10-year-old safety had acted at that moment in time in the Russian federation. During this period, it has decreased the number of patients needs to be clear of the prison, has come to peace in their families, and the houses appeared to thrive. All of this data we can see that in the big medical encyclopedia, and in many of the scientific works of the time.
- The warranties of some of the big drinkers that drink it, they experience a sense of relief to know there is more of a pure misunderstanding, which is caused by a paralysis of the centres of attention and self-control. The patient received any dose of alcohol falls into a state of euphoria, and in him all things, even of their own disease, it appears pink in color. In fact, if you drink alcohol, in any amount, it only adds to the process and brings about the damage to the man .
- It's no coincidence that the saying goes: "the River to the brook begins, and the drunk goggles". Think about it. From the point of view of the spread of habits of consumption of alcohol, the most dangerous ones are not the drunks and alcoholics, because, looking at them, and those who don't get the desire to try them out. The most infectious example to those of us who drink "moderately", "culture", what you drink, "by adhering to the ritual," and t. d. unfortunately, our data sources as well "in the way" of the work to widen and the eye-catching display to the other. The rare film, that is, without the glasses, lush, holidays, personalized gifts. People with the enthusiasm to drink it after the toast, almost mysterious, confident in the fact that an empty glass or a stack of a — the safest way to execute the desires. And they become spectators and witnesses, and in the next, and the shareholders of the consumption of alcohol, because they will imitate their fathers on a subconscious level.
- Many researchers have shown that, if the child is the offer to play on the day of your birthday or wedding party, they will reproduce and copy the work of others in the games and the attributes of the adult, evening meal and sit back to a common table, open the bottle, CacautXia, and they say toast, they walk ShateyuschethXia to walk around. Survey of 100 children in one of the pre-school, has shown that 97% of the children described the day. With detsadovskogo age, it begins to form an idea of the alcohol as the form, with no companion for parties and get-togethers, pritYagatelüO sr., a symbol of the life of an adult. At the age of 11-12 years old, teenagers make up quite a stable of stereotypes regarding the abuse of alcohol. They will copy their parents and other loved ones.
- The teens say that the greatest water to drink. In the business as grown, the high. The teen pRnoeqiRtht on the day of his insight into the courage, manliness, manhood, with each other, they induce those who are drunk, who shouts louder, or xnoxnohet, or the cries of that swagger there. The behavior of a lot of bling, demnoNStRAtdesenvolvimento, IPterihecknorno. It is usually on the loud music, peeling the destructiveness of the behavior.
- According to the statistics, people who drink a lot, live in an average of 10 to 15 years, at least. Smokers, for people 8 years of age. The one that shows the direct damage of alcohol on the human body.
- Briefly, the answer to the question as to why people drink it, it has to be said: drink it, because it is a drug that is widely advertised and sold freely. They drink because the alcohol made it legalizirovat the drug and sell it at a price tag minimize.
- There is a misconception that alcohol has to be willing to accept a "for fun". In fact, it's a fun and laugh — a lot-in the most important moments in a person's life. They will give you the rest of the brain to divert your thoughts from everyday worries, it strengthens the nervous system, preparing you for a new job, and worries. But the laughter and enjoyment are useful only in those cases where they occur in the call to a sober person. In a drunken state of joy, there can not be scientific and reasonable understanding of this condition. The drunken "fun", there's nothing like the excitement, anesthesia — this is the first stage of anaesthesia the stage of excitement, which the surgeons can observe the day-to-day lives at the time of the patient, and other drugs (ether, chloroform, morphine, and the dR.), those who, by their action, they are identical with the alcohol, as well as alcohol, are drugs. This is the phase of the excitation nothing to do with you, the fun doesn't have to, and it's not, there is a relaxation of the central nervous system. On the contrary, instead of rest, enough of the oppression, with all its consequences (pain, numbness, RAde ZBItOStü, a lack of desire to work, and to t. d.). What ever it may occur when you sober up for fun. As soon as the alcohol is not a friend, and an enemy of fun. It negates the time it takes for a time of fun and relaxation. In spite of this, he gets a pain in his head, and RAde ZBItOStü. Exactly the same as alcohol is applied to the fatigue. A day off is given to man, for he is physically and mentally well-rested and with new strength, with a drop-down will work, it started to work after a break.
- Alcohol creates the illusion of relief of stress. In fact, the tension in the brain and throughout the nervous system that is to be saved, and when it is, the hops, the strain is even greater than that prior to the making of the wine. But this is compounded by the weakness of the will, and RAde ZBItOStü.
- Inherent requirements of the drinking of beer, wine, vodka and t. p. people. If it wasn't for the light of the beverages, products, and traditions of the drink, and without them, it would be safe to live in, and will not cause harm to your body and your family.
- To make the conscious choice "to drink or not to drink," you've got to know what is the effect of alcohol on the body. The "advertiser" may be included in any of the legends about the usefulness of the alcohol use. In the program of the wheel, called the beer, "good", "healing", "real men", trying to "tie down" alcoholic drinks are a product of sexual orientation, petrinotuhecal, the national high-points of the status characteristics of individuals. So don't be deceived, they ought to have the objective information and to learn how to counter the propaganda.
- After the ingestion of alcohol increases the amount of allocated urine (diuresis), that is, there is a loss of water and salts. After the influence of alcohol is a strong desire, and "pull" on the brine and mineral water. For a brief systematic review of the actual effects of the alcohol on the all kinds of exchange of substances in living organisms leads to the same conclusion: all of the exchanges are to be made. It is the combination of the "killer" in effect determines the action of the antiseptic, ethyl alcohol, and it should be a deterrent to its use in the beverages of high quality.
- The term "alcohol" correctly. "Drink this" must have nutritional value, contain substances that are involved in the diet. These include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The alcohol is not. In the cognac, wine and beer, it's very, very little. To mark the life of their daily intake to drinking this amount of water, in which the content of the alcohol is to repeatedly exceed the lethal dose.
- Why spend the money on drink, and can be, for example, to buy a car. Can you count how many over the course of months and years, you have spent the money on alcohol.
- Many times, you'll find links to the research of international scientists, for example, a number of institutes in Munich, proving that beer helps to a lot of diseases. First of all, it should be noted that in all of these studies have been carried out with financial support from the alcohol industry. Therefore, these results are to the host according to the media, but they are difficult to detect in the bass reviewed research and scientific, because these logs will usually ask authors to specify the funding source for the research, and, in this case, it is the consumption of alcoholic beverages or the tobacco industry, the publication of these studies, it is seen as a sign of a bad tune.
- In your power to get rid of an addiction, they become free and happy!!!